St John’s Church, Heatherlands
Ashley Road, Parkstone, Poole, BH14 0AA
01202 717730
St John’s Christmas Day Lunch
You are warmly invited to join us for lunch on Christmas Day, especially if you would otherwise be on your own that day. The Hall will be open from 11.30am, with lunch being served at about 12.30pm. We expect the festivities to end by 3pm.
There will be no charge for the lunch, but any donations on the day towards the cost would be welcome. If you would like to come, please could you fill in the reply slip below and return it to Rosamund Hoslett c/o St John’s Church, or email your request to (your details will be handled as per our Privacy Notice).
I would like to come to the St John’s Christmas Day Lunch 2022.
Name: ________________________ Contact Number: _________________
Any Special Dietary Requirements: ____________________________________
Please tick the main course you would like (both with seasonal vegetables):
Roast Turkey
Roasted Vegetable Tart
Please tick the dessert you would like (both with fresh cream/custard):
Christmas Pudding
Fresh Fruit Salad
Please tick if you require transport (availability is limited):