Below is a complete catalogue of recorded sermons, categorised both by Bible reference, and (further below) by calendar event or sermon series.
Bible Books
From Other Series:
- 2.1-21 (Pentecost 2023)
- 2.42-47 (Learning From the Early Church 1)
- 1.12-26 (Ascension 2021)
- 2.1-21 (Pentecost 2021)
- 1.1-14 (Ascension 2020)
- 2.1-21 (Pentecost 2020)
- 2.1-21 (Pentecost 2019)
- 2.1-21 (Pentecost 2018)
- 8.26-40 (The Jesus Way 6 - Bearing Witness to His Reign)
2022 Series:
From Other Series
Corinthians (1+2)
1 Corinthians, 2023
2 Corinthians, Chapters 8-9, 2023
2 Corinthians, 2022
2 Corinthians, Chapters 8-9, 2020
From Other Series
- 1 Corinthians 12.12-27 (Learning From the Early Church 2)
- 2 Corinthians 4.7-18 (Covid Lessons 5 - Priorities)
- 1 Corinthians 3.5-9 (Discipleship 2:'C is for Church' - with Matthew 28.16)
- 1 Corinthians 15.1-20 (The Church's Purpose 2: The Core of Our Faith)
From Other Series
From Other Series
2023 Series
2023 Series
From Other Series
2019 Series
From Other Series
2020 Series
Advent 2020
Good Friday 2019
From Other Series
- 40:6-8 (Covid Lessons 6 - Bible)
- 52.12-53.12 (The Jesus Way 2 - Accepting Forgiveness)
- 49.1-3 (Discipleship 1: 'J is for Jesus' - with Romans 51.1-8)
2019 Series
From Other Series
- 4.1-10 (Learning From The Early Church 6)
- 5.13-20 ('Sermon on Healing', 2019 - with Mark 9.14-29)
- 5.13-18 (Discipleship 4:'P is for Prayer' - with Matthew 6.5-15)
From Other Series
Jesus In His Own Words, Autumn 2021
Chapter 6, Summer 2021
Lent and Easter 2020
Lent 2019
From Other Series
- 20.1-18 (Easter 2023)
- 14.8-17 (Pentecost 2022)
- 20.1-18 (Easter 2022)
- 12.1-11 (Lent 2022)
- 20-21 (December 2020)
- 15.9-17 (Remembrance 2020)
- 14.15-17 (The Jesus Way 3 - Welcoming His Holy Spirit)
- 21.15-19 ('The Risen Jesus Recommissions Simon Peter', 2019)
- 2.13-22 (Lent 2018, with Exodus 20.1-17)
- 12.20-33 (Lent 2018, with Jeremiah 31.31-34)
- 15.1-17 (Discipleship 5:'O is for Obedience' - with Deuteronomy 30.22-20)
2020 Series
Kings (1+2)
From Other Series
2021 Series
2019 Series
From Other Series
- 19.28-40 (Lent 2022)
- 13.1-9 (Lent 2022)
- 13.31-35 (Lent 2022)
- 4.1-13 (Lent 2022)
- 11.1-10 (Learning From the Early Church 3)
- 19.1-10 (The Church's Purpose 3: Seek & Save the Lost)
- 10.25-37 (The Church's Purpose 4: Loving Our Neighbours)
- Chapter 2 (Carol Service 2020)
- 24.13-37 (The Jesus Way 1 - Enjoying the Resurrection)
- 22.14-20 (The Jesus Way 5 - Participating in His Meal)
- 12.35-40 ('Be Ready', 2019)
- 10.38.42 ('Jesus, Martha, and Mary', 2019)
- 19.28-40 (Palm Sunday 2019)
- 13.1-5 (Apologetics 2: 'The Problem of Suffering', 2017)
- 2.33-35 (Lent 2018, with Exodus 2.1-10)
From Other Series
Summer 2023
Chapters 13-16, 2020
- 13.31-33, 44-52
- 14.13-21 (Feeding the 5000)
- 14.22-33 (Jesus walking on water)
- 15.1-20
- 16.13-20
- 16.21-28
From Other Series
- 21.1-11 (Palm Sunday 2023)
- 28.16-20 (The Church's Purpose 1: Making Disciples)
- 4.1-11 (Family Service, Feb 2021)
- 22.37-40 (Covid Lessons 4 - Relationships, Family Service)
- 12.38-41 (The Sign of Jonah)
- 25.31-40 (Mothering Sunday Reflection, 2020)
- 4.1-11 (Lent, 2020)
- 8.1-13 (January 2020)
- 3.1-12 (Advent 2019)
- 7.7-12 ('Ask, Seek, Knock', 2019)
- 28.16-20 ('Great Commission', 2019)
- 28.16 (Discipleship 2:'C is for Church' - with 1 Corinthians 3.5-9)
- 6.5-15 (Discipleship 4:'P is for Prayer' - with James 5.13-18)
Stewardship Series (2021)
From Other Series
- 7.1-23 (2021)
- 11.1-11 (Palm Sunday 2021)
- 14.32-36 ('"Unanswered" Prayer', 2019 - with Psalm 13)
- 9.14-29 ('Sermon on Healing', 2019 - with James 5.13-20)
- 5.21-43 (2019)
From Other Series
Peter (1+2)
From Other Series
From Other Series
- Chapter 8 (May 2021)
- 34.11-19 (Mothering Sunday 2021)
- 146.1-6 (Covid Lessons 1 - Control)
- 1.1-3 (Covid Lessons 3 - Time with God)
- Chapter 46 (Covid Lessons 7 - God still reigns)
- Chapter 46 (Mothering Sunday Reflection, 2020)
- Chapter 95 (Lent 2020, with John 4.5-42)
- Chapter 46 (Remembrance 2019)
- Chapter 13 ('"Unanswered" Prayer', 2019 - with Mark 14.32-36)
- 145.1-8 (Discipleship 6:'W is for Worship' - with Romans 12.1-2)
Chapters 2-3, 2020
Chapters 21-22, 2020
From Other Series
- 15.4-13 (Advent 2, 2019)
- 51.1-8 (Discipleship 1:'J is for Jesus' - with Isaiah 49.1-3)
- 12.1-2 (Discipleship 6:'W is for Worship' - with Psalms 145.1-8)
Timothy (1+2)
From Other Series
- 2 Timothy 3.10-17 (The Jesus Way 4 - Feeding on His Scriptures)
- 2 Timothy 4.1-5 (Learning From the Early Church 4)
- 1 Timothy 4.1-16 (Learning From the Early Church 5)
From Other Series
- Lamentations Chapters 1-2
- Family Service (Matthew 4.1-11)
- Lamentations Chapter 3
- Mothering Sunday (Psalm 34.11-19)
- Lamentations Chapters 4-5
- Matthew 4.1-11
- John 3.1-17
- Psalm 95 & John 4.5-42
- Mothering Sunday Reflection - Psalm 46
- Mothering Sunday Reflection - Colossians 3.12-14
- Mothering Sunday Reflection - Matthew 25.31-40
- John 4.19-26
- John 1.35-51 - 'Being a Disciple of Jesus'
- Mothering Sunday (John 19.25-27)
- John 12.1-8 - 'Costly Devotion'
Holy Week
Palm Sunday
Good Friday
- 2020 (John 18-19)
- 2019 (Part 1 of 4, Isaiah 52.13-15)
- 2019 (Part 2 of 4, Isaiah 53.1-6)
- 2019 (Part 3 of 4, Isaiah 53.7-9)
- 2019 (Part 4 of 4, Isaiah 53.10-12)
- 2023 (Acts 2.1-21)
- 2022 (John 14.8-17)
- 2021 (Acts 2.1-21)
- 2020 (Acts 2.1-21)
- 2019 (Acts 2.1-21)
- 2018 (Acts 2.1-21)
Learning From The Early Church (2021)
- 1: Acts 2.42-47
- 2: 1 Corinthians 12.12-27
- 3: Luke 11.1-10
- 4: 2 Timothy 4.1-5
- 5: 1 Timothy 4.1-16
- 6: James 4.1-10
The Church's Purpose (2021)
- 1: Making Disciples - Matthew 28.16-20
- 2: The Core of Our Faith - 1 Corinthians 15.1-20
- 3: Seek & Save the Lost - Luke 19.1-10
- 4: Loving Our Neighbours - Luke 10.25-37
- 5: Knowing God Better - Ephesians 1.15-23
Covid Lessons (2021)
- 1: Control - Psalm 146.1-6
- 2: Mortality - Hebrews 11.13-16
- 3: Time with God - Psalm 1.1-3
- 4: Relationships - Matthew 22.37-40 (Family Service)
- 5: Priorities - 2 Corinthians 4.7-18
- 6: Bible - Isaiah 40.6-8
- 7: God still reigns - Psalm 46
The Jesus Way (2020)
- 1: Enjoying the Resurrection - Luke 24.13-37
- 2: Accepting Forgiveness - Isaiah 52.12-53.12
- 3: Welcoming His Holy Spirit - John 14.15-17
- 4: Feeding on His Scriptures - 2 Timothy 3.10-17
- 5: Participating in His Meal - Luke 22.14-20
- 6: Bearing Witness to His Reign - Acts 8.26-40
Discipleship (2018)
- 1: J is for Jesus (Isaiah 49.1-3 and Romans 51.1-8)
- 2: C is for Church (1 Corinthians 3.5-9 and Matthew 28.16)
- 4: P is for Prayer (James 5.13-18 and Matthew 6.5-15)
- 5: O is for Obedience (Deuteronomy 30.22-20 and John 15.1-17)
- 6: W is for Worship (Psalm 145.1-8 and Romans 12.1-2)
The Reformation (2017)
- 1: Scripture Alone (Isaiah 29.13-16 and Mark 7.1-13)
- 2: Saved by Grace Alone (Ephesisans 2.1-10 and Mark 10.13-16)
- 3: Through Faith Alone (Philippians 3.4b-9 and Luke 19.1-10)