Family Service - Sunday 27th June
Sunday 20th June - Learning from the Early Church - Fellowship - 1 Corinthians 12:12-27
Sunday 13th June - Learning from the Early Church - intro - Acts 2:42-47
A previous sermon on Sunday 6th June’s bible passage by visiting preacher Glen Scrivener.
Sunday 30th May - Psalm 8
Sunday 9th May - The Church’s Purpose 5 ‘know God more’ - Ephesians 1:15-23
Sunday 2nd May - The Church’s Purpose 4 ‘love God, love your neighbour’ - Luke 10:25-37
Sunday 25th April - The Church’s Purpose 3 - Seek and Save the Lost - Luke 19:1-10 - Zacchaeus
Sunday 18th April - Church’s Purpose 2 - 1 Corinthians 15:1-20 - Core of our faith
Sunday 11th April - Matthew 28:16-20 - The Church’s Purpose 1 -Making Disciples
Sunday 4th April - Easter Day Service - John 20:1-18
Friday 2nd April - Good Friday - but why is it so good?
Sunday 28th March - Palm Sunday - Mark 11:1-11
Our online family service for Palm Sunday. ‘What is Palm Sunday?’, a visit from one of our puppets and prayers led by some of our children and famiies.
Sunday 21st March - Lamentations 4 & 5
Sunday 14th March - Mothering Sunday Family Service - Psalm 34:11-19
Sunday 7th March - Lamentations 3 - The passage teaches that, even amid the deepest darkness, God is faithful so there is hope.
Sunday 28th February - Family Service - Matthew 4:1-11 (Temptation - Response - Bible)
Service for all ages including the songs ‘Come now is the time to worship’ , ‘Stand Together’ and ‘Never Once’, as well as a visit from one of our resident puppets and prayers led by some of our families
Sunday 21st February - Lent 1 - Lamentations 1-2
Sunday 14th February - Lessons During Coronavirus (You still reign and You’re still God) - Psalm 46
Sunday 7th February - Lesson during Coronavirus - Bible - Isaiah 40:6-8
Sunday 31st January - Lessons during Coronavirus (Priorities) - 2 Corinthians 4.7-18
Sunday 24th January - Family Service for all ages - Lessons during Corona Virus 4 - Matthew 22:37-40 - Relationships are more important than circumstances.
Sunday 17th January - Lessons during Coronavirus (Time with God) - Psalm 1.1-3
Sunday 10th January - Lessons during Coronavirus (Mortality) - Hebrews 11:13-16
Sunday 3rd January - Lessons during Coronavirus (control) - Psalm 146.1-6