
I'm currently reading the book 'Prisoners of Geography' by journalist Tim Marshall, looking at how various countries' history and politics are influenced by the mountains/seas/rivers etc that affect their relationships with surrounding nations.  It's a good and interesting book, and I recommend it.

One of the recurring themes of various pastoral conversations I've had over the years is how many people see themselves as 'prisoners of circumstance', where they feel trapped by the things that have shaped their lives.  I find it moving and humbling to hear about some of these.

But I also meet people who overcome great adversity, and indeed others who struggle despite lots of privileges.  There's something of the nature/nurture debate in this, and also the power to make choices and intentionally decide on the direction(s) life will take.

One of the most prolific writers in the Bible was St Paul, whose letters to various churches and individuals constitute 13 of the books of the New Testament.  Paul was literally imprisoned several times but said he was willing for this to happen so he could bring the good news of Jesus to others in prison who needed to hear it.  Indeed, he described himself as a willing prisoner and a slave of the Lord.

Whatever the influences that have shaped your own life, I hope that you'll feel able to make your own choices, and that these will be good ones - following Jesus is the best choice of all.  Feel free to get in touch any time you'd like to discuss things.

Wishing you God's best,                                

David Price